Topics in English morphosyntax

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Topics in English morphosyntax

Tato učebnice je určena pro dvousemestrální kurz anglické morfologie a syntaxe, primárně zaměřený na české a slovenské rodilé mluvčí studující anglickou filologii bez předchozích znalostí lingvistiky.

Podnadpis: Lectures with exercises

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This coursebook is designed for a two-semester course in English morphology and syntax, primarily targeting Czech and Slovak native speakers studying English philology with no prior knowledge of linguistics. The coursebook provides up-to-date information and essential concepts about human language and linguistic science, while offering practical applications of these ideas for language learners. The course material is structured to build students’ knowledge of English morphosyntax through connected arguments rather than a list of assertions. Each chapter begins with an overview of its topic, followed by exercises that enable students to apply linguistic concepts with analyses of language data. Supplementary readings are suggested to expand on the course’s coverage. Study sheets at the end of each chapter support students’ learning and exam preparation.

O autorech

Mgr. Dagmar Masár Machová, Ph.D. (profesní informace na webových stránkách UTB ve Zlíně)​

Jeffrey Keith Parrott, Ph.D. (profesní informace na webových stránkách UTB ve Zlíně)

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